Internal Developer

Portal (for GitOps Fans)

Flanksource Mission Control is a source-open Kubernetes-native internal developer portal that helps teams of all maturity levels improve developer productivity and operational resilience.

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Happy Teams

Single pane of glass

Unified Catalog

Catalog all your infrastructure, applications, pipelines and configuration into a schema-less JSON database.
  • Track changes on everything with a JSON diff
  • Link events from AWS CloudTrail and Kubernetes
  • Consolidate cost, security and resilience insights
Self Service


Empower developers to be more self-sufficient without the need to become experts in the Cloud and Kubernetes.

  • Run playbooks automatically on failing health checks/ alerts
  • Implement security best practices of least privilege and just in time (JIT) access
  • Use the built-In library of actions including HTTP, SQL, kubectl, AWS CLI or run any custom code from Git

Local Development

Mission Control provides open-source CLI’s for all the major components, this provides a setup-free, rapid feedback loop when building health checks and rules.
Using the CLI's integration tests can also be created to run inside CI/CD pipelines.

Quickly answer questions like:

Did anything break that would prevent us from deploying new workloads?
What changed recently at either the infra, app, code or configuration level?
What is the compliance level of my application against organisational polices and industry best practises?
Where can I find all the configuration and log files for an app so that I can export it for a vendor?
What is the health of my application?
Did any applications break after we upgraded the platform?

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